Hancock Community House is home to fifteen independent community organisations.
Scroll down for more information about each organisation and how to get in touch.
Citizens Advice Bureau
CAB help people to know and understand their rights and responsibilities and how to use this information to get the best outcomes. CAB provide free, confidential, and independent information and advice to all. Open: Monday-Friday 9am-4:30pm Phone: 06 357 9273 or 0800 367 222 Office: Ground Floor, G4 Housing Advice Centre
HAC provide housing and educational advice and support for a range of issues from finding housing to renting and emergency housing. HAC give advice to both landlords and tenants. Please make an appointment by phone or on our website. Open: Monday-Thursday 10am-3pm. Phone: 06 358 4875 Office: Ground Floor, G1 Parentline Manawatū
Parentline Manawatū support parents/caregivers to care for children and young people through counselling and a range of parenting group programmes including Triple P, The Incredible Years, Great Fathering, and Blended Families. Open: Monday-Friday 9am - 3pm Phone: 06 355 1655 Office: First Floor, F7 Samaritans
Samaritans offer a confidential, non-judgemental, listening ear to the lost, lonely, and suicidal. Phone: 06 358 2442 (Helpline) Office: Ground Floor, G8 Plant to Plate Aotearoa
Plant to Plate is a gardening and cooking programme in primary schools with the aim to teach students how to create vegetable and herb gardens and how to cook the produce they grow. Phone: 027 555 1323 Office: Ground Floor, G6 |
InsideOUT Kōaro
InsideOUT Kōaro is a national charity working to make Aotearoa safer for all rainbow young people. We provide resources, workshops, consulting, advocacy and support for anything concerning rainbow (LGBTQIA+) communities. Phone: 027 331 4507 Office: Ground Floor, G7 Prisoner Aid and Rehabilitation Society
PARS provide support, advice, and information to offenders and their whānau to help them understand and navigate the criminal justice system; in prison, court, and the community. Support is also provided on release from prison to assist with the reintegration journey back into the community. Open: Monday-Friday 10am-3pm. Phone: 06 357 9218 Office: Ground Floor, G9 (access from courtyard) Manawatū Lesbian & Gay Rights Association
MaLGRA supports the gay, lesbian, intersex, transgender, takatāpui, fa'afafine, asexual, and bisexual communities and their whānau, as well as those questioning their sexuality, gender identity and those living with HIV/AIDS. Phone: 06 222 3505 Drop-in: Monday / Wednesday 9am-4pm Office: First Floor, F1a Brain Injury Central Districts
BICD provides support, education, and advocacy for those affected by acquired brain injury. Service Coordinator: 022 466 9154 [email protected] Liaison: 029 201 4106 [email protected] Office: Ground Floor, G5a Te Pū Harakeke—Community Collective
TPH provide professional support, training, and networking opportunities for local community and social service organisations, their staff and volunteers. Open: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm. Phone: 06 354 3809 Office: Ground Floor, G3 |
Manawatū Multicultural Centre
MMC provides a welcoming point of contact for migrants, refugees and newcomers to the city. MMC helps coordinate many different ethnic and cultural groups. We provide resources and activities, and facilitate social connections for the community. Open: Monday-Friday 10am - 4pm Phone: 06 358 1572 Office: First Floor, F3 Moneywise Manawatū
Moneywise Manawatū offer free, supportive, confidential, and non-judgmental financial mentoring, budget advice, and advocacy services open to anyone that needs it. We work on an appointment basis. Open: Mon, Tues and Thurs 9am–3pm Weds 9am–4pm (evenings by appointment only) Fri 9am–12pm Phone: 0800 228 343 Office: First Floor, F6 Manawatū Tenants Union
MTU provides free advice, advocacy, and education to tenants and organises to facilitate stable housing in the Manawatū. Open: Mon-Tues, Thurs 10am-3pm Fridays by appointment Phone: 06 357 7435 or 027 5422 071 Office: First Floor, F5 Whatunga Tūao Volunteer Central
Do you want to volunteer? Do you have opportunities for volunteers to assist your organisation? Contact Whatunga Tūao Volunteer Central. Open: Monday-Friday 9am - 1pm Phone: 06 354 6027 Office: First Floor, F4 |